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Vocabulary Builder Course - Level 2

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  1. Lesson 1 – Introduction & Car Accidents
    3 Activities
  2. Lesson 2 – Personal Finance
    3 Activities
  3. Lesson 3 – Health
    3 Activities
  4. Lesson 4 – Cooking
    3 Activities
  5. Lesson 5 – Taking Care of Your Home
    4 Activities
  6. Lesson 6 – Work & Employment
    4 Activities
  7. Lesson 7 – Issues in Education
    3 Activities
  8. Lesson 8 – Social Gatherings
    4 Activities
  9. Lesson 9 – Clothing & Fashion
    3 Activities
  10. Lesson 10 – Movie Reviews
    3 Activities
  11. Lesson 11 – Books & Writing
    4 Activities
  12. Lesson 12 – Cradle to Grave
    3 Activities
  13. Lesson 13 – Appearance & Personal Care
    3 Activities
  14. Lesson 14 – Character & Behavior
    4 Activities
  15. Lesson 15 – Relationships
    3 Activities
  16. Lesson 16 – Philosophy & Worldview
    3 Activities
  17. Lesson 17 – Describing the World
    4 Activities
  18. Lesson 18 – Newspaper English
    3 Activities
  19. Lesson 19 – Other Ways to Say…
    3 Activities
  20. Lesson 20 – Connotations
    4 Activities
  21. Lesson 21 – Noun-Verb Vocabulary Builder
    3 Activities
  22. Lesson 22 – Word Roots
    3 Activities
  23. Lesson 23 – Prefixes
    2 Activities
  24. Lesson 24 – Suffixes (Part 1)
    2 Activities
  25. Lesson 25 – Suffixes (Part 2)
    2 Activities
  26. Lesson 26 – Perceptions of the Senses
    3 Activities
  27. Lesson 27 – Academic Expressions
    3 Activities
  28. Lesson 28 – Non-Obvious Binomials
    3 Activities
  29. Lesson 29 – Metaphors
    3 Activities
  30. Lesson 30 – Beyond the Basics
    2 Activities
  31. Your feedback & Next steps
Lesson 1 of 31
In Progress

Lesson 1 – Introduction & Car Accidents

Click to read transcript of introduction video

Hello and welcome to the Vocabulary Course!

In these lessons, you will learn more than 1,000 English words that go beyond the basics – they are more complex and colorful words that will help you express your ideas in many different ways and become more fluent in English.


1. First, watch the video to learn the words. You might already know some of them, but many others will be new to you. It can be helpful to pause the video so that you can write down the words, or take notes.

2. Next, there’s pronunciation practice under the video. You can listen to and repeat each word from the lesson. When you learn new words, it’s really important to learn how to say them (and not only how to read them) – so the pronunciation practice will help you pronounce each vocabulary word correctly.

3. The third part is a quiz or exercise. This activity will help you review and practice the words you’ve learned. The more you practice, the better you will understand and remember the vocabulary. You can check your answers to the quiz by clicking “Finish quiz” and then “View questions,” or by using the answer key in the downloaded text.

4. Finally, there are short-answer questions to help you use the new vocabulary in YOUR English! You can send in your answers to get correction and feedback from the Espresso English teaching team. A few tips for this activity – try to write 1-3 complete sentences; don’t just answer with a couple words. Whenever possible, try to use the new words in your sentences. Again, this will help you put what you’re learning into practice so that the new words become a permanent part of your English vocabulary.


As I mentioned, each lesson in this course has 30+ words – so you might be wondering, how am I supposed to remember them all? What if I learn them today, but forget them tomorrow?

I’ll give you three tips for remembering words better:

One is to put them into practice – do the exercises and answer the questions in the lesson. Don’t just skip ahead to the next video. When you put things into practice, you will remember them better.

The other tip is to do regular reviews of what you’ve learned in the past. Here’s what I recommend: before starting a new lesson, take a few minutes to review what you learned in the previous lesson. You could watch the video again, or just look over your notes from the previous lesson. Then go ahead and start the new one. And I suggest doing a weekly review, too – once a week, don’t learn anything new – just review everything you learned in the past week. This habit of reviewing regularly will also help the new words stay in your memory.

My final tip is not to put pressure on yourself to remember everything perfectly. We’re humans, not computers – so it’s normal for some words to be easier to remember, and other words to be a little more difficult – you might have to study them multiple times before they really stick in your mind. But if you get frustrated and annoyed that your memory isn’t perfect, that’s just going to make you more nervous and tense, and it’ll be even harder to remember the English words you know. So please relax, practice the words, review them, and I’m confident that your vocabulary will grow.

As you finish each activity, make sure to click “Mark Complete” to check it off:

If you have any questions as you go through the lessons, send us an e-mail and we’re happy to help.

Now go ahead and take Lesson 1 to start building your vocabulary!